
This study was based on a 3 hour IQ session given to one grade at one school and the results reviewed after just 8 weeks. I hardly call this a result with such a small group.

This is great, I had just broke out the space heater today! Mine is ancient to say the least and hasn't really been in use for 3 years.

@pepelicious: Also take notes of any damage you see and have the landlord sign off on it. Most generic leases have a section for this, but if your landlord removed it, just do it on a piece of paper and make a copy for both of you.

One thing to keep in mind is that most landlords will not refund a fee they took at the start of the lease.

My main is definitely my tower. A laptop can't match it dollar for dollar let alone OC'n, expandability, graphics, etc.

Great job! I have the same setup and while my cables are to a minimum, I can't touch yours. I'll have to add it to my list of unemployed to-do's (along with putting my boxes back down in the basement).

@Philip Marquis: You might want to check into the speed differences between SATA and DDR3...

@Philip Marquis: So what you're telling us is that swapping to a hard drive is much faster than using ram... Good to know, thanks!

@krische: There really shouldn't be (for now). Sprint's network was built for tens of millions more users than they have now. They have plenty of room.

@dfp3050: Their 3G has a cap... I'm not sure what their WiMax caps will be yet.

@Jeff Smith: Via Kansas? Their 3G for me came out of Chicago while in Detroit or Atlanta when I was in FL or SJ when I was in SJ... You mean to tell me they route the whole nation to Kansas?

This guy/gal doesn't sound savvy enough to take on a home server or a nas so would stick with a simplest solution.

@range: I only get BRs via Netflix, but the wife loves a bunch of shows and I watch a couple myself via the DVR. I could go back to my old ways in a second however, but that would remove some quality time with the wife as both of us sitting at my desk isn't going to happen.

@AYB: It just boots a Linux environment to fire up a vhost which in turn loads the VM. It's the same thing as firing up VMWare on your desktop and running an image.

@OCEntertainment: While I loved Doom, Quake was way better than Doom.

I just might have to do something like this in the spring (when the winter cover comes off) as it's pretty annoying having to dust off the Caddy every time I want to go for a cruise and I can't be bothered with the cover every time.

I used Owl in the past, but time and time again I became frustrated with it compared to Great News which I used at home. It would appear that they have resolved a couple issues that I did have so I might have to take it for another spin.

@tom.tbones: I had a similar experience, but I had 36 mudders on an 86 Bronco and was stuck in a 4ft drift along with a car and a Silverado. Fortunately for me however, I also had a winch ;)