
I dunno about this site, search doesn't work for me and it seems really clunky... You click on a whiskey and it lists links to buy it and that is it...

@GitEmSteveDave_SaysHappy40thJe...: Oh man, I could go for this as well... Although normally it's only one of many curse words strung together to explain me :P

@Manuel Uribe: Um... Not when you run servers and a ton of embeded boxes. The last thing you want to do is make things go wrong...

@paintbox: I got the first one ;)

Headed to Chick's (Warrendale / Detroit) for Fish Fry at 6:00. Beer, cigarettes, and fish.

@orlo: Guess it's a good thing I stick to PC/MAC fanboi trash talk then. ;)

@relyk5: This week has taken FOR E V E R!

@Phoshi: I've started getting into Python, J, Perl, PHP, etc... I hate coding, but one of these days I'll find something I like. The only coding I've ever really done is eggdrops in TCL.

@DMC6127: I would suggest NOT creating a comment system like this and use vBulliten... :P

@draketrumpet: As Phoshi suggested make a ram disk and copy a game that you play on it. I assume you game with that PC...

@icecreamman: I just record the few shows that I like to watch and watch them all one night a week or when I wake up all hung over on the weekend. During the week I'm usually doing stuff around the house, car, computer, making lunch, dinner, etc.

@ryeliSEAN: I only know Windows games... How old is your kid? Crayon Physics is pretty cool, but again, Windows...

@MS-18E Shadoblak: I've been fighting the urge to get one since they came out. My Nano's battery has had it and I need a new player, but I hate spending money on stuff like that... Yet I'll probably spend that much this weekend on booze and food (+wife obviously) so you can see were my priorities are ;)

@SJRNWT: No it was red, but looking at your profile it shouldn't be.

@SJRNWT: There is an issue with comments in general. The ability to view old comments through the 10-20, 20-30, etc links were removed and since that time (or maybe just before) things have been goofy.

@TheFu: I have always thought along the same lines which made it easier to quit using paper. That and I have always HATED printers...

How I keep things clean is simple. I never print, EVER. Printing "crap" is responsible for most of the guys offices I work with looking like a bomb went off.