full body replacement with biomechanical enhancements to the brain. Essentially, my conscious inside a machine. I would not care if it was a bipedal human form frame neither. If it was only a limb, I would have flexible tentacle fingers and design my own outer covering to my prosthetic.
Actually see the Volus bombers and Krogan dino riders in action.
otjer tjam that dinoso would do the opposite; alow access to the content from 2 and 3 early in the game and limit it as you progress through the game. it makes sense story wise that you can go anywhere in 1 as a specter, do some of 2's side missions, and gather resources early. you would have things open up and close…
I started the gamer with only a fun and few rounds. I double crossed different factions in a town whom wanted to rob the bank, only to rob it under the cover of night while maintaining a good reputation in the town. I became a master of persuasion after convincing a maid to become a prostitute in a brothel. I fought…
I'm kind of surprised no one has modded Fallout or Skyrim/Oblivion into a remake of Arcanum.
For me it was Vampire Hunter D as part of a late night anime marathon on the Sci Fi channel in the early 90's. Also loved Zaram and Cesshern.
You can see her do a hair summon in the video at the 2:20 mark.
Spoilers: she's only half umbra witch, so she might develop her lumen sage powers in this one.
Technically true; The original Fallout 3 (Van Buren) was never released but locations, factions, characters, Background, and events were used for Fallout: New Vegas. The NCR and the Legion were in it. Most of the tribal groups at least mentioned in it were from VB. Vegas and Hoover Dam were locations. Background…
"If you've done something evil in Arizona, how would they know about it in Nevada?" he asked. "We try to keep the game realistic in that regard."
In the US they don't teach us about the Japanese occupation in China in school. So most don't know that their country pardoned war criminals (that covertly tested weapons on civilians, then vivisected them while they were still alive to study their effects on the body, so they could develop biological weapons to use…
I believe the Christianity remark was directed at the "in what kind of world can't porn bring people together" remarks.
A mystery show that is essentially three mascot characters and a Velma. Why hasn't this been done yet?
I would not call it stupid to create an achievement that directs gamers to take a path in a branching story that then also highlights a major theme of your story. That is actually good story telling, whether the writer's audience gets the message or not. Using the completionist drive to repeat the story, trying to…
I think the point was made best in Fahrenheit 451, when it was mentioned that the government didn't burn books to suppress thought. The common people started burning books because they didn't like strange ideas challenging them or making them uncomfortable. As a result their main form of entertainment was a…
I think the point was made best in Fahrenheit 451, when it was mentioned that the government didn't burn books to suppress thought. The common people started burning books because they didn't like strange ideas challenging them or making them uncomfortable. As a result their main form of entertainment was a…
I love the original Dinobots, but their voices are comical , stereotyped portrayals of the mentally handicapped. Iornhide was originaly voiced like a Texian redneck. The original Jazz's voice was a stereotype itself. Don't get me started on Preceptor and Blaster. They are about as bad as the two soccer hooligan…
Considering there were two Big Boss bosses in the original Metal Gear games, and they killed a severely mangle and burnt corpse that was a decoy of Big Boss in MGS4, I assume one is real BB and one is unlucky clone BB (Punished Snake).
It's a game where the players start at the edge of the galaxy and tasked with exploring it. As players find planets, it's appearance and life-forms are generated by procedurals (in the article the creators explain they took a long time not making it boring). The game is completely open ended and appears it is…
I won't deny that I started playing female characters for their looks, but overtime I began to prefer them because I feel more immersed in the games as a female. Like I'm playing an actual person and not a male power fantasy.