
It looks like Dragon's Dogma if they had pushed the combat animations in the direction of an old school brawler, especially in the case of the archer. The dodge and bow techniques look very similar to that game's Strider class abilities. Love the fistfighting-wizard.

I always suggest Perfect Blue. It's has a Hitchcockian plot that deals with a teen idol singer that is persuaded to become an actress by her agent. While she is mentally buckling under the pressure to change her public identity from a cute, virginal girl to a sexually available young woman, the men responsible for

Question, why does anyone care what some users on twitter say? Granted, it was a terrible event and I'm sure there are people still effected by it, but this sounds like the typical whining you get on any internet forum that handles product reveals or rumors. There are always a group that will find and build up

Now playing

Must be a cultural thing going on in Japan. There is a similar premise is in the Dark Souls games. People cursed in the game world with the mark of undeath are hunted by normal humans outside of Lordran and are immortal in that they eternally rise from the dead.

This...made my day :D