
He better keep an eye on Johnny Football as well apparently.

I much preferred when the Airing of Grievances was limited to once a year.

Thanks, wouldn't have gotten that otherwise....

Clay's wife. I feel you, DeMarco.

Heidi Mueller is smokin' hot.

Murray and Clay are still the same guys there were in college, only instead of sharing Carries they're sharing Ginas.

"His family is beside themselves", in this case, means that the attendance at the game was 4.

Imagine a conversation between Reggie Jackson and Ricky Henderson. Would that be in the sixth person or what?

The Patriots finally pulled the tweet down after an hour, and apologized for designing a shitty script and/or not anticipating that people with offensive Twitter handles exist.

Donald Sterling needs to lay lower than this.

Shouldn't the Eagles' PR staff have some sort of policy against their players following other teams?

Days of Thundering Headaches

Dover?! Barely hit her head into a wall three times!

It could be worse, think of what happened to #3 after he smashed into a wall.

This is well out of the realm of "Let this guy live" and well into the realm of "Sir, I asked you to leave," in my opinion.

"Osweiler it's time to replace Manning."

Coach: Osweiler!
(goes and gets helmet)

Giffed because someone had to. Those hands staying up tho... chilling.

I don't care what Deadspin or anyone else thinks of me, but damn it all, this is why you should always bring your glove to the damned game.

Did that.... did that just knock her head off?