420? 4:20? today is 4/20!
420? 4:20? today is 4/20!
this was an excellent article - i had to double check the site wherein I read it!
why should you make you child go to a party s/he doesn’t want to attend?
genuine pity party...
Hey - more tits to look at! I can hear you roar! Keep roaring!
remember - only lose your temper off camera so self-righteous Gawker pricks don’t piss on you in the comment section...Life Hacker...
don’t be so mean to the Gawker commentators who think this woman is a foul bitch - their shit doesn’t stink and they fold their angel wings very neatly before going to bed at night...
tee hee - body by science - not a real woman - but taking the place of one: don’t worry little girl - the penis will show you how to be a REAL female!
is the “shocking” description of the procedure accurate?
I should worry what people who live elsewhere think? when they pay my bills, I'll worry about their opinions...
Bad analogies are unhelpful - since we know that one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter, is this author suggesting that the terrorists are fighting for their freedom - our (the rest of America minus African Americans) freedom from the oppression of the black man (who is far over-represented in violent…
that's a stupid and unhelpful comparison, like saying because gays get more STDs and attempt suicide more often, being gay is dangerous and unhealthy. Landscapers may face more injuries, even more deaths, it's not a more dangerous job...
as opposed to this gif is so black it has a prison record longer than it’s black cock?
gee Kris, don’t hold back...
It’s not like she’s Igloo azzalia... Because then we can make fun of her color AND her looks
attacking Iggy doesn't serve your cause, make for better music, help black artists, prove your point or add to black culture - in fact, all it does is create an opportunity for Iggy to look like a victim. I'm not a fan of hers, but IMHO, if she's as bad as all of you say, she'll disappear. I think what's driving the…
perhaps, but your hatred says more about your personality...
The oppressed can't be offensive you racist...
Why is jezebel able to compartmentalize Azealia Banks music from her overall personality but refuses to do so with Iggy Azalea
just look at that skank appropriating Greek Mythological culture...Can you imagine? It's like....