Nice try, Bastion player.
Nice try, Bastion player.
I’d like to see a remastered Demon Souls if that were possible.
The problem is that gameplay-wise, it is fake difficulty. It makes the game harder, but not in a strategic or tactical way, just in a “well now you lose lol” way. Just because it fits the narrative doesn’t make a good gameplay decision.
Your comment single-handedly changed my mind about this feature. I haven’t played since the update, but you make some great points and I think I’ll need to check it out again.
Inevitable death is not the issue, RNG is. At the end of the day this is a game, and games are designed to be fun. While there are a few people that would appreciate pure RNG based insta-death, the vast majority would not. It’s not a fun mechanic and it adds very little, if anything, to the game. There are other,…
I’m so bummed. So bummed. :(
If you attack a monster while a player has mounted, you will break the mount and throw them off.
Nope, just replace rape with a senseless, brutal death, and the joke's ok for everyone!
We've seen Mecha Wonder Woman, High School Supergirl, and Lifeguard Aquaman. And now, the latest costume for the…
It's a Moba with DC characters. It's free to play.
Such a bummer when people don't like things that are obviously RAD AS SHIT.
You people all disgust me. Just because an style doesn't suit your liking, that doesn't invalidate its merit. Constantly ranting that something shouldn't exist because you don't like it, waah, waah, etc. You sound like Christian parents complaining that their children have to attend school with dirty Muslims.
I don't think it's laziness in this case: look at the animations. They're very fluid and lifelike.
Quite honestly, I like the art style. It kind of takes away from the whole "uncanny valley" and "ultra-realism" discussion, and it kind of eliminates the need for everyone to have "the best graphics" or "1080p and above only!!!!!11!!1!" in order to have a highly-regarded game.
I was vaguely interested, then I saw the beholder. Now I'm fucking sold.
some people don't like it, some people like myself really love it. so no.
Does it really matter how it looks? I mean shouldn't how fun it is matters more?
That was an incredibly long way of saying you're happy to work in a sector I don't give a fuck about. Lots of people watched Oprah. Didn't mean I had no reason to say it was a fluffy waste of programming. Same with most free to play games. You could sell a billion dollars of in game crap a day and I wouldn't suddenly…