
For the MNF crew this game is like the Shawshank Redemption. They have to crawl through 60 minutes of foul smelling shit in order to get to the glory of next Monday's Jet/Pat game.

Guys!!! You're ruining Monday night for The Emeritus with your lack of excitement.

Game is worth watching on GolTV just for Phil and Ray's broadcast alone.

4-0. Villa again in the 58th.

Now 3-0 Barca. Villa in the 55th minute.

Kind of like asking a Pole in September 1939, who do you want Hitler or Stalin?

First Leslie Nielsen then this. Tough day for Canada.

It not all a win. Rutgers is still in the conference.

Whatever happened to that guy who co-starred with him in the Naked Gun movies? OJ Something?

Sure they weren't filming for Singletary's sanity hearing?

No one's self esteem could be that low?

Real Americans play touch football on Thanksgiving. Only Kenyan Socialists play basketball.

Are we sure Hillary didn't throw a lamp at him?

I guess the Lions figured that when they were up at the half, they'd done enough for the day and didn't need to show for the second half.

Woodhead's grittiness drew a flag.

You can still stalk Weintraub via telegram.