


I don't know if it's them listening to customers more than just seeing what they can get away with. It's not until Sony does the whole "You know that thing Microsoft is doing that you hate? Yeah, we're not doing that!" and then Microsoft has to turn around and go "No wait comeback....please? We've changed, for real

Expect I don't want to spend $100 dollars on something I don't inherently need or...well want. If it's going to be forced on me(for extra money no less) then I'm going to pass. The hardware in the PS4 looks to be superior and Sony seems to have a better handle on what they are doing next gen. If Xbox wants to even

Honestly I think the negativity that is surrounding Final Fantasy(recently) has come from 13 and all it's spin offs. The universe is boring and 13 left a bad taste in my mouth. I'm glad 13 Versus because 15 because now, hopefully we can move away from that world and on to something different. I love Normura's work and

It would be a miracle if J-Star Victory VS. made it to the US.

What makes you think it's a one hit wonder? Just because the original team is gone doesn't mean there isn't hope for a sequel. Another studio could easily pick up the project, or possibly Santa Monica Studios could make the game internally.

Jazz Hands!

I was always under the impression that the fanbases were one in the same.

All I wanted to do was eat the chicken that was smarter than all the other chickens and absorb it's power.

I LOVED it. I was sad that I finished it so quickly and can't wait to see a season two. The cast is amazing. The characters felt like real humans and I think that's what kept it interesting. It was the right balance of drama, humor, and what's right and wrong.

God Marcus needs to leave the fucking industry. He's an embarrassment to gaming journalism. This whole thing is childish and he should fucking know better.

I can't say for sure, but I do remember the new Prime Minister being openly against the manga/anime industry. I don't think he likes the effect it's had on Japan's culture or the perception people outside of Japan have of them because of it. I think he's keen on pouring resources towards aspects of Japanese life.

One Piece or any manga artist doesn't have to do what the west does. However, they could take some cues. Like you said, a side writer to fill the void when Oda becomes sick(like he is now) or just plain needs a vacation would be good. I admire his dedication but his work ethic is unhealty. I don't care who he is, the

The argument that western comic books have been running for decades is kind of flawed. One major reason is that most of the stories written in the 40s,50s, 60s or even ten years ago have been altered or rebooted entirely. Hell anime characters get a similar treatment especially if there big named characters like Astro

You wouldn't consider One Piece to be a never ending beast? The book has been going on for 16 years. That's longer then Bendis' run on Ultimate Spiderman or John's run for Green Lantern. I know it's about to wrap up but the point is not every manga is a short 15-20 vol. book.

One Piece wouldn't need to pull a Batman

I'd argue the other direction. Yea, sometimes there can be a shitty writer change but it won't be for long. On the other hand western comics Have seen a great deal of amazing stories from the likes of Dennis O'Neil, Chris Claremont, Geoff Johns, Scott Snyder, Frank Miller Alan Moore, Brian Michael Bendis, Grant

Is he still rocking the zipper pants/shorts style? Do they even make pants like that anymore?

Hey it's his company and he can do what he wants but; his loss I guess. Not only does he miss out on selling to a large group of people he's also managing to piss off a lot of people who might of liked his controller for the 360 and maybe wanted to get another for their PS3 as well. It looks childish and honestly why