
Is this a Hat or a Headband?

What's funny is that the PS3 has had more games with dedicated servers than the 360. MGS4, Warhawk(and I'm going to assume Starhawk), Dust 514, Demon Souls. These are just a handful of games but they all ran on dedicated servers, I don't see why "the cloud" is needed for something like this.

I'm in!

More like Xbox One-80. :P

Now playing

I preferred Angry Joe's interview over this one. She seemed to just roll over and except each answer regardless of how off topic his answer was to her question. Joe was more attentive. He called Nelson on his PR bs and really put pressure on Nelson to get the right answer. You can really see the difference in the way

So your argument that "tore his to shreds" is that you're a PC gamer and have been telling companies for years that it's ok to take advantage of you? Congratulations? You have basically made the case that as long as they flash pretty things in your face you'll let them do whatever they want to you, and trotted it as a