Is he really a dick though?
Is he really a dick though?
Song of Ice and Fire very good. When Ugg needs to watch porn but at same time pretend like Ugg watching it for the plot, watch HBO.
Ugg just tired of young adult novels period.
Hopefully they can make at least one main character likable. At least at the beginning.
Calling it right now. Total Recall will flop. Guaran-fucking-teed. If not that, Ugg would be surprised if Battleship flips [hence surprise flop] since it seems to cater to the same audience as transformers.
Ugg have been gone for a while now. Ugg now knows about apostrophes and curse words.
Great cavegods.
Ugg want to hang out with Annalee and Esther.
Bruce Willis in anything will make Ugg watch it.
Ugg liked hipster memes before they were so overblown out of proportions...
mmmmmm Ugg agree.
Giant Guinea Pigs are killing them?
Ugg cannot believe Dream is sharing his opinions with all of us. How exciting.
Ugg love both SotD and Hot Fuzz. Prefer Hot Fuzz.
Ugg and two friends cannot be blamed for not watching shows.
Can't remember the last time Ugg laughed at a Simon Pegg film that didn't involve Nick Frost or Edgar Wright.