Ugg remember this Mammoth.
Ugg remember this Mammoth.
Ugg give movie with title of "How to Train Your Dragon" a chance, will give this a chance.
Seems to Ugg like it's about how technology distracts us so much we fail to notice what is staring right back at us.
Ugg was too distracted by adorable polar bear dog thingamajig to care about underlying meanings.
*cocks shotgun*
Now all Ugg needs is this guy to sit in between them.
Gonna remake Willow.
You just HAD to keep asking questions. Couldn't let it go.
Building underground?
Ugg loved Pushing Daisies.
Ugg can agree. This show has the touch alright.
Is it wrong if only character Ugg truly like as an interesting character was Cinna? Everybody else seemed like stereotype. Katniss ok too Ugg guess, but eh.
Ugg already over most YA novels. Enjoyed Harry Potter while YA, watched movies and spark of nostalgia keep interesting.
It obvious what happening here
Ugg came.
Charming caveman.
Ugg already try blog.
Every crowd of nerds have those that feel their way of doing things is best. So when someone else comes along and does it differently, they need to point it out and basically ask them to change to fit in their view of what perfect world is.