
Why the hell did the pathfinders not correct the wind information and why did the Jump Masters let the light go green. Someone's getting fired over this!

@saif32: Re: bread, it's simply dried out.

@Odin: Oh totally, but imagine how super awesome effective if dry AND salted. (The salted bread bit was to partially simulate the salted McDonald's food)

@m1ndtr1p: Exactly, mould colonies grow if the conditions are right. No moisture = no mould colonies. Salt also sucks the water of out cells, and of course McDonalds food is high in salt.

@JDickson87: Because it's dry. Drying prevents food decay. It's not scary, it's basic.

Hey Giz, stop being dumb.

To be different :-D

Reminds me of the Ghenna levels in Homeworld 2.

What's a commercial? Are they those things I jump over with the 30 second skip on my PVR?

Why do we even need hard drives anymore? Why can't all my stuff be in the cloud? (encrypted, etc etc)

@anduin1: Takes a while for insurance to come through and there may be the higher than normal legal costs involved trying to recoup money from someone in washington state (when Brian and his wife are/were based in Canada).

@MrGOH: Canadians trying to seek compensation from a US Insurance system might be tough.

@wjbean: CO2. Carbon Dioxide. You can hear them mentioning it in the video.

@Tacticalspoon: No, for THQ's "Space Marine" by Relic Entertainment most likely.

@dallasmay: The poll applies to anyone who's got an Ipad really. I don't have an Iphone, but I do have an Ipad, and I simply don't carry it around with me everywhere now. It's great for the "morning read" if you know what I mean :-D

I work in HIT and I approve of this article!