
It’s still a historic race for Ford, you know this.

God I hope this is sarcastic.

If you don’t know how to play Spades, I’m calling Stolen Valor. Spades, throwing rocks, masturbation, going over every single sexual conquest in detail and sleeping were the most prevalent ways to spend downtime.

You failed to add another important place Spades is played: anywhere there is downtime in the US Army, which is where this Caucasian learned how to play Spades (and Dominoes too, but Black Dominoes, not Latino Dominoes)

Tick rate is the mathematical ability for the server to register your inputs.

You’d have to actually be good to notice it. Tick rate doesn’t matter when you’re running into the corner and shooting walls.


It definitely is. Just ask Dice after BF4.

On that front, maybe. It’s not like Intel and the other crowd weren’t pushing that direction as well. Their decisive resistance to all things USB for phones and tablets is more my issue and I think more related to the issues here.

This is a reasonable and correct take and has no place in Kinja.

You know, if you really like a Nintendo-related fan project, don’t post it on Kotaku, because that’s like a hotline to Nintendo’s lawyers ready to push the shutdown button.

Um, it was Nico’s fault..........

The comparison was conducted hypothetically

Nothing digital on that plane.

Highly recommend The Glitch Mob if that sort of EDM/Electronica/Whatever the fuck genre it’s suppose to be is your thing. Both the albums I’ve heard (Drink the Sea and Love Death Immortality) are great.

You think G2 owes someone money because they took a well deserved break? Do you know how much time these teams spend practicing?

Performing an auto-rotation landing is a compulsory part of getting a rotary-wing pilot’s license.

First - if you want our aviation industry, especially the military, to be on the cutting edge, the NASA is the only one to get us there. When we want to do something extreme, NASA leads the way. Why? Because only a government organization can go where there is no data and provide the data that will either prove or

No they have the potential to be much more efficient. An electric aircraft doesn’t require an oxidizer to burn fuel so can operate at higher altitudes with less drag and be less dependant on oxygen (even though they will still require a medium for lift and thrust). Airports would be much quieter, and the cost of

my favorite part was when you backed up your thesis with science, mathematics, and hard evidence.