
No, you need to learn shit, not just read and regurgitate! N70700 - and you can read that number off the tail in the clip - is the Dash 80 prototype (Model 367-80), no matter how big a 707 sign the marketing guys had painted on the tail. There’s also the fact that that film from August 6, 1955 is one of the most

I think the U.S. economy already gave kids enough reasons to not get a college degree.

This was never official and was written by a poet trying to raise funds for the construction of the statue. it was not written by the founding fathers or any other major american historical figure.

I don’t know why I expect someone who can’t capitalize or punctuate properly to actually read the article before commenting, but here we are...

“In terms of the potential of this getting shut down by Microsoft, in addition to it being a free, fan-made game the team also claim “Our work is completely legal. We are carefully following the rules set forth in Microsoft’s Game Content Usage Rules. No content in our game has been ‘ripped’, it’s all handmade by our

“The HH-60 is a large rotary aircraft...”

Ball joints and wheel bearings are absolutely considered normal maintenance.

What makes you say that? Nissan may be boring and unoriginal, but engine quality and resilience has generally been their strong suit. My bigger fear is that they’ll slap a CVT on it and paint it taupe. Then that CVT will fail, the pain will peel, and the suspension mounts of whatever they put it in will probably rot

Correct me if I am wrong, but as far as I know gun pods are not known to be any good.

I’m not a huge Will Ferrell fan, but I love John C. Reilly. I think he is the actor that really brings out Will’s best comedy. I got to meet JCR a few months ago, actually, when he came into the museum I work at. We knew beforehand that he was coming, so I brought my autograph guitar and he signed it as Dewey Cox.

Cool opinion. Thanks for sharing. I see that you’ve got those cool out-of-the-norm viewpoints. Let me know what you think is funny, so that I can go shit all over it too.

Yeah, he totally deserves to get raped in prison because he helped people pirate some movies...

His clone probably wrecked him.

Thats OK, We don’t want you as a fan anways. Way to go through life buddy :) We took 50 years off to give the competition time to adjust and learn

Then again, there are those of us “hard-core” fans that actually attend the races and just like watching the cars do their thing, without thinking about the BoP too much or trying to find things to complain about.

I understand the server issues. It’s shitty that they can’t handle the traffic, but it happens. This is a huge launch and the number of people interested in this has got to be almost unprecedented for a mobile game. It’s just completely unacceptable that nobody is communicating with us about the issues. Shit happens,

“I am not perfect. Nor are you.”

I was completely ready to give the guy credit for going straight off instead of trying to hero a recovery out of that. Then he got out of the car.

People that bought into the whole no car lifestyle and depend on a single point of failure for their mobility.