
This is how I feel about VAG dumping money into Ducati’s GP program.

Oh jesus why would you do this to my dick hnnnnnnnnnnnnnng

When I was in training at Ft. Eustis, the navy 53s from Norfolk used to do this. Blew my mind every time seeing something the size of a decent house doing that.

Wish you had given the GSh-23 a mention too.

Alteast Wawa didn’t fail

It’s worth nothing the 5th gen VFR from 15 years ago had linked brakes.

Someone photoshop what a bentley ben-tyga would look like please.

I was there for the TUDOR race with a much worse camera and lenses

Now playing

I feel like this is the crowned king of all passes in motorsport

Hayabusas will usually get to 60,000 miles without any form of maintenance beside oil changes, and considering most of the cruising a standard owner does is 7-8,000 rpm I think they’ll be alright.

You lost credibility the second you went all :D :D :D :D

Still no Ace Combat 6

I can really wait on Call of Duty: Mass Effect Gameplay Edition

Don’t get me started on Mclaren-Honda. I knew they wouldn’t sweep the series, but I didn’t know they’d go for the ‘most retirements’ record either.


I was attached to A 1-2/1-25 when I made that gopro video out at our FARP.

You’re right, the next Ford class carrier should be the ‘USS Clint Eastwood’

Does that bike make me hard? Yes, yes it does other Barry.

Yeah! Now to tax the shit out of it and give it special lanes at the MVA!

Hey, you sound mad. You should look into that.