
His last name is Lynch? Deriving from Irish Gaelic origins? Fucking papists ruining this damn country.

Got it. Thanks for the explanation.

I know almost nothing about the various rugby codes, but aren't hits like this illegal? I always thought you have to wrap your arms around the opposing player to bring him down. It's just bizarre because the commentators seem to be saying how tremendous and great the tackle is.

That guy's laugh is the most British noise I have ever heard.

The day may come when Emmy voters lose their hard on for Modern Family. But it is not this day!

Ah shit this is really nice.

He traveled.

That shit was alllll over the radio in the months after. It's insane to think someone would listen to that by choise years later.

Anything from the lunatics selling pictures of people jumping out of buildings, and calendars of the burning towers to tourists near Ground Zero.

He traveled.

Looks like the pain has yet to reach his face.

Greg- I just want to thank you for the soccer coverage. I know next to nothing about the game and your posts have been a great primer. Been watching Premier League games every weekend since I've started reading. Thanks.

"The seed is strong."

I know next to nothing about English football, but a quick search of what the football pyramid is sent me down a massive Wikipedia black hole. Fascinating stuff. I love the idea of amateurs representing tiny geographical areas mixing it up with the pros, and teams being relegated or promoted based upon their success.

Xenu calling the garflarb ferxnerp.

It's a Safeway parking lot. The horror.

"When she was first hired, in May 2011, her salary was just a fifth of what she earned at her peak."

House centipedes.

His statement explains so much about local news. Buncha morans.

Is it fair to say that the new model are rigid airships, and not blimps?