
eBay actually. Hell of a deal.

I'm not going to say I'm not at least BIASED, but I try not to be a loyalist. I'm probably going to replace my Xoom with a Windows 8 tablet, for instance, unless Android steps their game up.

At the time, the 3g/4g one was $700-$800, and I got mine for $400. I was actually looking for Wifi but found this at the same price.

I sometimes feel like every time I read a post by Sam, there's shots at Android haha.

I don't think that makes a whole lot of sense. If they wanted to make money off Android, they wouldn't give it away for free. They make money on the searching and advertising.

Pretty unnecessary Android hate honestly. I got my Xoom really cheap, and I love it. It's fast, the Honeycomb apps are great (others very lacking) and the browser is top notch. It's been great in the recording studio, to jot down ideas, sync lyrics, and play Angry Birds while waiting for my drummer to get a decent

They don't really need their own OS. They can skin Android all the want (like they currently are) It's completely unique, and yet any Android app can still run on their system if they want. They don't have to woo developers, or wait for a company to make a WebOS app. I think their current setup is perfect.

I read about this in 2010: Odyssey Two. It didn't end well for the Chinese.

Let's also remember that a key feature of a pedal is the ability to change effects without having to stop playing your guitar.

Oh no, you're not too old. I'm only 23 and even I know digital is just not there yet. Give me true bypass and analog delay and distortion any day.

That guitar is ugly, looks like a Guitar Hero controller, and plus...digital effects just don't work well. Even the best stuff from Line 6. Used a top of the line Line6 in a studio...and hated it. Meanwhile, my Tech 21 pedal can model many amps analoguely, and it sounds delicious.

I'll be grandfathered, so NBD, but that still sucks. Also, I wish I could get Zune on my phone without WP7. WP7 (especially 7.5) looks great, but I just love Android more right now.

They got the Golden Arches, mine is the Golden Arcs. They got the Big Mac, I got the Big Mick. We both got two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles and onions, but their buns have sesame seeds. My buns have no seeds.

I love that movie!

Yup, that last paragraph for me, too. I owned a N1, and it never said that. Probably custom rom with some remote wipe software. The eBay seller is a master troll.

I see nothing wrong with this. I'm in a different industry, but if a celebrity mentioned my band on Twitter (or anything), I'd spam the HELL out of it. It's similar to a company having a celebrity endorser, except instead of paying them, they actually just like the content on their own.

Love it! And I could definitely see a Tumblr for this haha.

"Yep, those Scarlett Johansson pictures are definitely legit."

Yeah I know there's more than one Droid _____, but I HATE HATE HATE when people refer to Android phones in general as Droids.

Well no I actually meant the people that made the map, The Atlantic.