Ray, isn't Jalopnik selling ad space to promote NASCAR these days? You should be at least taking some interest. You should be kneeling at the alter of NASCAR because of their ad dollars....
Ray, isn't Jalopnik selling ad space to promote NASCAR these days? You should be at least taking some interest. You should be kneeling at the alter of NASCAR because of their ad dollars....
Sorry Matt.... they are perfect the way they are. If you're going to be a prick and own one of these things, you may as well go all the way and be the prick to modify one in this manner.
The only thing I would like to see added is the number of comments certain posts contain. That way, if they don't generate more than a dozen or so, I can by-pass it. If it has quite a few, I would open it up to read it, even if the subject matter bores me to tears.
@Arfdog: Not really. Most of the people who own these things feel they are better than anyone else. They are arrogant, self centered, and selfish.
@anitesh.jaswal: Except one thing, they are not doing this for CAFE. The European Union (Yes, all of Socialist Europe) is mandating that all manufacturers abide by a corporate average fuel standard.
@Cynic: Its a rebodied Toyota iQ.
I couldn't care less about the Ferrari. Its the Ferrari owner who choose to purchase a phallic symbol in the first place, and bears all the responsibility if he was driving like a jackass.
@NikolaTeslaIsAHero: Almost anything other than a BMW, Ferrari, Maserati, Audi, Aston Martin, Porsche, or even a Corvette.
If you choose to have a car in NYC, you should expect this type of lunacy. I'm just waiting for Mayor Bloomberg to impose a congestion tax scheme to literally wipe out most of the traffic in NYC.
The love for all things BMW on this site never ceases to amaze me. It's a vintage BMW, we must showcase it....
OK, Top Gear UK is great, but for Christ Sakes, another Atom? This is my big problem with both Top Gear programs. There are more cars other than the Ariel Atom, or any Lamborghini, Ferrari, Aston Martin, or any of the other phallic symbols you all see memorized with.
@Flathead Smith and the Screaming Straight Pipes: Like Sarah Palin?
Mike, Mike, Mike.... Audi will never bring this car over because the A3 lineup sells in minuscule numbers.
Mark my words, Aston will suffer the same fate as TVR, along with the rest of the British Cottage Industry companies (except for Morgan or Bristol, but that's another story)
That I lost my "Star" status... even though it was self inflicted....
Given enough time, armoring vehicles will be commonplace within this country. Growing unemployment along with growing wealth for the affluent will create this demand in the not to distant future.
Dear Mike,
@brandondparris: If you want to read all about cars, with a bit of a different flavor than Jalopnik, go here.