Isn't Matt Farah's 15 minutes of fame up yet? This guy is so annoying.....

This is a great ad for those that haven't seen it yet. However, if you want to see the Falcon and its competition, tune in over at Hooniverse, where I ran a great Question of the weekend. The Dart commercial is there as well, along with a Studebaker.

There is no car built after 1960 that will ever be considered a "Classic", according to the ACCA, not even the venerable Muscle Car or Corvette.

@AMGkiller: This is the same problem Toyota and Honda had in the early 80's, and look at them today. Hyundai and Kia will have their residuals strengthen in the future due to their strong warranty, and their improving product line.

I am going to get into so much trouble for saying this, but here goes anyway.

Tom, good to see you on here, but I have only one request. Since your presecessor used the tag #questionoftheday, I subsequently used the tag Question of the Weekend over at Hooniverse.

Well, I have to give Vinny credit for one thing. He's able to produce page views. Just take a look at the number of new visitors, and the number of comments.

Linda McMahon is running in my state. I understand that being the head of WWE entitles her to have something like her Mercedes. And she seems level headed, as far as Republicans go.

@Vinny Minchillo: Sarcasm... I'm surprised you picked that up Vinny. Your own dealings in politics calls you out as a Republican, and a conservative one at that.

Completely off topic (well, not really) —- So after his indiscretion was made public, and one of the absolute saints within the industry dumps him, then moves to Austin Texas, he decides to close WCC, and then moves to Austin.

OK hoo..... er... Jalops, I will be attending SEMA this year (in two weeks) and I will be writing about it on Car... er, somewhere else.

@McLovin2: Ummmm, yes Wilder and Pryor were a great comedy team, but this is Cleavon Little in Blazing Saddles.

I was hoping that the owners of this "Private" track would be in bankruptcy by now.

@Jeb_Hoge: Do you really think all Democrats are mooches?

It's not even a current model year 300 "C", just an older base 300. How would I know that? Look at the tail lamps. These were used in the base and Touring edition cars (until last year) It probably has the base interior still in it.

Just like the upcoming mid-term election, this poll baffles the hell out of me. The guy who pulled in more hits during the second weekend is pulling under 5%. The guy who wrote a killer Tucker piece is pulling just over 2%. Sigh.... I will never understand the core audience on any of the automotive blogs.....

A new front clip and a new rear clip does not make a new car. It looks like everything in-between is the same old crap.