
My parents would do this too when I was old enough — 5 - 10 bucks to play games and if I ran out I would also hit KB Toys upstairs. I was allowed to explore the mall but I had to be back at a certain time in the arcade.

“I took the fun out of making video games,” is a line I remember whenever Activision/Blizzard does something stupid like this.

When y’all decry a horrible website being taken down as an “attack” on conservatives or the Evangelical right, you say the quiet part outloud and it’s quite telling where your beliefs lie.

I too am a fan of Final Fantasy IX (that last boss really came out of nowhere). 

4 million feels a little low, but its also only the first trial. Lets see what the rest do and sink that ship. 

My kingdom for a port. 

The Alpha builds look really fun, too. But there’s so many bugs and unfinished elements its hard to imagine it’ll ever be done.

I’m curious. The Mothman was one of my first forays into cryptid stuff (Jersey Devil being the first) but from what I remember about the Mothman mythos is that it was never violent, it would follow people and watch them and was considered a harbinger of a disaster with the bridge collapse, but I don’t remember

I am, begrudgingly, I’m Texas. It’s been in the 100+ for weeks now. Thankfully AC is everywhere here but at the hottest time of the day the AC is working like a madman. Still, it’s better than being outside.

Very well said about Meliodas. It was there to be there for no other reason than to be…there. The scenes were funny enough without him cramming a face under her skirt. It’s like it was done to lower the tension but it never did that. If anything it threw me out of the story because no one with any social grace

I agree Arceus was the right step in the right direction but the game itself wasn’t perfect, either. Battling could become tedious and sometimes even felt skewed toward the AI with what seemed like input lag. That could have been my own personal experience though.

I miss when my life was uncomplicated enough to give a flip about the “Console War.”

Ultimately doesn’t he have to die before the events of episode 4 kick off?  I understand he could be out doing other Jedi things but the fact we don’t see any Jedi coming to fight the empire or even work with the Rebels tells me they’re all dead. :( 

I guarantee you he cares what other people think of him.  Dude is so thin skinned he’s almost transparent.

I really don’t understand this guy. He’s rich, he owns several companies, he has the ability to go anywhere and do basically anything, why is he shitposting on Twitter?

The amount of crazy stuff you can do in VRCHat still boggles my mind. You can go fly planes, zip around like Spider-Man, play murder mystery games, etc.

If this helps I got mine back in November and I seriously did bare minimum. I joined a telegram chat that notified me when sites went live with new stock. That’s it.

Using the “II” connotes a sequel, as in, a brand new thing. I can’t think of something that was a “Roman numeral” and it just getting a name change with updates added in.

Money protects money, this has been happening for generations.

Thinking like a scoundrel, making it harder to find things that can make hay for your life is absolutely what people like this would do, as well as people who aren’t beholden to an income and more toward the power their name and position brings.