
Forgive me, but how is this fun?  Like I know MTG is usually end at around turn 5 or 6 but 1-3? That feels silly for a card game, especially one with such verbose rules.  I couldn’t imagine trying to play this game without the computer helping me along. 

My theory is the anime. In the anime you have to keep things visually interesting with a story so each “series” gets a new summoning mechanic.

Someone like this isn’t going to have the moral empathy required to understand they are a leech on society — to them they are making a quick buck and because they’re being successful at it its giving them a sense of accomplishment. That’s all these folks care about — feeling like they’re smarter than the system they

Also on Hyperion, and I noticed it’s relatively fine until about 7-8 PM CST (Like 50 person queue) but after that it shoots up exponentially to near 1,000.

I’m not saying it can’t also be beneficial and a good way to be protected against harassers. I also admit I am not an expert in this field and can be wrong.

That was an excellent video! It absolutely made the point about how the internet is a barrier to human empathy for a lot of people.

Buy me a drink first and I may tell you. 

I mean, nothing gives you the right to attack someone online because of trivial matters. You can have a discussion about those topics without trying to hurt the other person as well.

I hate that the internet gives perceived anonymity so people don’t think to check themselves before they spew vitriol.

I hated that pivot. It was like they went from a show that covered interesting things to a show that covered interesting things with a lot of extra testosterone and bro mentality.

I suppose it makes sense — produce something rather than nothing and float the cross platform until the PS5 is easier to get.

Miss Kuroitsu was a watch I did on a whim and I was pleasantly surprised.

So when we say thing slike “First African American...” to you that implies they aren’t normalized?

I just want one scene where characters help each other scale a wall. 

I seriously doubt game companies like SE don’t have the PR research team to see this is not a popular thing to embrace. I also have a hard time imagining the SE President is so insulated by crypto bros that he isn’t getting the other side of the argument about (in reality) NFTs are awful.

Its not unexpected — the Pandemic is going to have a ripple effect through various industries and stages of development some of which we’re only now seeing the result of. Yeah it sucks but I mean that’s the reality of the moment and you can’t fault anyone for it.

1/1 Tequila Gundam Daniel Custom. Can build it in Las Vegas.

I mean the Nu has the Hi-Nu variant already so its not like a New Nu (ha) isn’t unexpected.

Thankfully that’ll change on Tuesday as 2002 should be addressed.  Just a few more days of babysitting. 

1) It’s crazy to think that this game was once so bad SE fired the original producer and the only real solution was to not charge players for what, a year? Then destroy the game’s world to start from scratch.