
Jeuno run was no joke. I made it ALMOST there and died.

Diadem 2.0.

I LIKE how it sounds, I’m excited for what it COULD be.

From what I heard, Kubo was being rushed by Shounen Jump to finish his story in a certain number of chapters. He was also struggling with health issues and fatigue of the series.

I don’t know why people skipped DDD. It’s my favorite from the series so far and is a direct sequel to KH II.

So a couple things about this anime.

Probably just going on hiatus, letting the manga develop since the anime overtook the current arc.

The next Omega weapon series looks so amazing.

Is there a Soft Launch? Or any word on iOS?

I love this game.

I forget, was 2-5 the Mammets fight? THAT FIGHT WAS AWFUL.

Well, I was house sitting for a friend last week and he has every Amiibo Nintendo makes. I quickly gathered up all the Zelda themed amiibo and started my rain of treasure chests, meat, and various other items.

I'm sorry but there's truth and then there's being cruel.