
What is that? Why do they do that? Do they think it makes them seem less ignorant? Like girl, my momma ain't Barney bitch.

I have to object, here. The Slot and Jezebel are ever being accused of holding a bias towards Sanders. But when an article that is critical of Sanders appears, the same criticism is thrown.

What even? Bad already, but New Years?!

Here you go, rude asshat.


I now feel a little dirty that I was able to correctly predict his reaction.

This movie taught me how to flirt.

All that and you find time to be funny on the reg at Jez. A damn marvel, you are!

Snacky - the reference is from these two Jersey Shore meatheads having a tumultuous relationship and would periodically break up only to instantly reconcile. At one point she was so mad she was done done.

Bernie, you’re breaking my heart.

HRE I am.

I’ve always seen the lack of diversity on the show as an implicit criticism of silicon valley culture. I think having a diverse cast despite the whiteness of the real silicon valley would serve to protect the very people they’re trying to mock.

Do not google “before and after penile implant”. Just trust me on this one.

On the other hand, look how they handled their own narrative in the Matrix sequels.

“I don’t want her to grow up in a world where she is made to feel less-than for embracing everything it means to be a woman.”

I don’t mind that as much as how it was taken out of context. He was actually addressing the issues that people are using the comment to accuse him of not understanding. Fucking Clinton. I’m going to hate voting for her conniving political ass so much. But hey, she wins, right? And an evil manipulative monster

Except all of those facts except number two are bullshit.

One? no. However I don’t think there’s an extensive ongoing legal effort to cover up their crimes.

of course you haven’t jemima... of course you haven’t