Tzion: Kojima-san doesn't have to make Metal Gear any more.

See, you’re just cosplaying wrong. Dress up as Marcus Fenix and all the Republicans will happily salute you.

Yeah let’s ban cars and knives too since those kill more than guns per year too.

Oh shit! What’s the name?

I’m no redneck, but I don’t have a bleeding heart either. Do you consider an AR-15 an assault weapon? Because if so, your definition is skewed. A rifle that only has only one firing mode (semi automatic) cannot be considered an assault weapon. “Assault weapon” is a political buzz word. Just like armor piercing rounds

Define “assault weapon”.

Define “Assault Weapons”? Big, scary, BLACK guns? Take your average “assault” weapon and put wood furniture on it, and it’s a hunting rifle. AGAIN, the problem is NOT the guns, but the PEOPLE who use them!

We lost a good man today, hope this replacement can follow in his footsteps.

Is Neo Armstrong Jet Cyclone Armstrong Cannon is part of the center pieces?

Thank you for fulfilling the requirement that every post about this series have one of these comments under it!

Not bad, but if they ever make a Madoka race car it would crash and burn at every turn.

That’s nothing. I once got a buzz lightyear AND a super rare woody the cowboy from a crane game at pizza planet.

There is a huge false parallel, in that one is willingly and graciously donating charity to a man down on his luck, from the goodness of your heart, to a person you feel some sort of connection to (in this case, he produced a damn good game for us), and the other is a huge permanent raise in the forced tax rate so the

Yeah, wasting taxpayer money is beside the point. If we need more, we can just tax more. Easy fix!

Ah, I see. You are the type that thinks everything is all or nothing, and that none of the things you mention have any waste whatsoever. You need not say more.

Yes, they’re called taxes. Stop paying them, and bad guys will most definitely come point guns at you and toss you in jail.

You don’t understand the idea of donating, do you? If you are forced to do it, it’s not donating. We should have much more control over where our money goes in social programs, and stop being forced at gun point to “donate” to it.

Because the driver was uninsured, there’s a funding campaign to cover Ben’s costs.


The question I have, is why would you own a dagger that is not designed to kill something?