Not great when one inevitably gets flattened by an inattentive driver, though.
Not great when one inevitably gets flattened by an inattentive driver, though.
Wish I had known about this. I spent that weekend going to idol lives.
Do you not find trick shots in pool entertaining either?
I went to some underground idol lives when I visited Japan recently, and I was a bit surprised to see many of the groups incorporate the middle finger into their choreography. I got the feeling that it wasn’t seen as nearly as vulgar as it is in the US.
Really? A slippery slope fallacy is something you have to demonstrate through empirical argument. After all, some slippery slopes do exist, yeah? The PATRIOT Act gave the government a foot in the door that led to PRISM, FISA, and a whole host of Orwellian horrors we’re still trying to understand. Surveillance is a…
To protect the big casinos?
We need to shut this down. If you start letting the government regulate video games, it won’t stop with loot boxes.
You’re probably thinking of Compile Heart, which was started by another one of Compile’s former executives.
The key to beating Stakataka, of course, is to hit A just as it fires its beam.
Sounds like the problem is the roads, not the cars.
Ravioli ravioli please don’t lewd the dragon loli.
1) Seems like Net Neutrality would force everyone to buy the premium cable package. Why should there be a law to prevent me from buying a smaller bundle of channels for less money?
2) Water and electricity should be fully privatized to prevent political influence that creates Flint-like contamination, or…
Glad you did!
Is this a coincidence, or is it related to my comment on Ethan’s Aquaman article last weekend?
I’m friends with Max LaFave. Glad to see his videos getting so much love.
No, he’s right, it’s katakana. Hiragana is used for conjugation, particles, and short Japanese words. Katakana is used for loanwords, slang, and a sort of ALLCAPS equivalent.
“All streaming is infringement but devs and pubs allow it because it makes us money too,” he wrote in the Twitter thread.