Tzion: Kojima-san doesn't have to make Metal Gear any more.

I believe you mean “Han crotch shot first”.

As a manufacturer of Class III (suppressed, short-barrelled, and fully-automatic) weapons, I’m totally in favor of reopening the machine gun registry and expanding ownership of assault rifles (and machine pistols!). Because they’re super cool, and artificial supply constraints suck.

Sorry to hear that. It reflects more on the caliber of lawyers you know than it does on Scalia, though. I’m also skeptical of the claim that they “varied in political opinions” since I don’t know a single conservative lawyer who finds the Justice a “deplorable human being”, even if they disagree with the reasoning in

Wrong forum to employ rationality, I know, but Scalia was honest about not letting his conservatism affect his judgements. He was one of the strongest defenders of absolute free speech, as seen in his opinion overturning California’s violent video game law. This despite his discomfort with violence, nudity, and

Good to see some fair treatment of Justice Scalia on a Gawker site today. I know I’m in the minority here as a conservative, but he was the greatest mind to sit on the Court since the Holmes era. Even the most liberal professors and students at my law school respected Scalia’s insights and studied his argumentation.

Also, these TOSes all have severability clauses, since the judge is probably going to toss out the parts he doesn’t like anyway, so silliness has no legal ramifications, as long as the meat and potatoes are still there.


The reason my first console was a PlayStation. No regrets.

Being Ferrari is suffering.

I enjoyed this show. Good short mahou shoujo story, and themes of friendship and self-confidence with some melancholic overtones.

Tricked one of my elementary school friends into trading me his Kadabra for something worthless like a Butterfree that was marginally higher level. Moments later he was furious.

I didn’t say a thing about suffering. I also didn’t imply you had factual inaccuracies, I said it outright.

You said people like crowdfunding on a small scale, and that other countries do it on a nationwide scale. But they don’t. They don’t have a national donation platform to raise money for charitable purposes. They

Not a fan of Rand’s philosophy, although I did enjoy Atlas Shrugged. Probably wouldn’t reread. Those speeches are just way too repetitive and self-indulgent.

But yes, you suggested that charity and taxes are separated only the scale at which they operate, but the actual distinction (in theory) is functional, in that

So, let me get this straight. Someone comments “non-politically” that taxes are distinguished from charity only by scale. I point out that they are separate and distinct mechanisms, making no actual value judgement about either. And therefore, I’m Satan?

I think we’re missing a connecting premise here. Is 666 the

That’s an explicitly political statement. And taxes are not comparable to crowdsourcing. There is (so far) no criminal punishment for failing to contribute to a Kickstarter or IndieGoGo campaign. Whether or not you’re in favor of taxpayer-funded healthcare, you shouldn’t construct false parallels.

There is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction.

Kind of funny to see a Disney franchise get screwed over by IP law for once. Really hope we will still get it on PS4 though.

I sure hope he remembered to quicksave.

It’s really perfect!