Tzion: Kojima-san doesn't have to make Metal Gear any more.

Should be called MeinKraft.

So you're not gay, and you had a girlfriend, but you were willing to have a one night stand with some random dude in Jordan, and Mass Effect made you proud of that?

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I know it's Sega, but just buy it or whatever.

Ms. Pauling's gun is a Bond Arms derringer, or something very close.

I'm glad you guys took the time to publish another article about this issue you've fabricated instead of covering more of the real news from E3. Thanks!

I prefer this one.

I get why it might be annoying or even offensive that they made this choice, but the article here implies that they are covering something up, and further investigation is warranted. In other words, they are willing to devote journalistic resources to finding out whether Ubisoft is honest about their lack of female

Why is this an issue that needs to be "looked into"? I feel like their statement was pretty clear.

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I prefer Propane Nightmares to Gasoline Dreams.

  • Everyone will wear jeans and a blazer.

So it's just dressing like Jojo characters?

Wow, I did not realize super collider technology had come so far.

I've been reading Nisekoi since it started three years ago. I think "epitome of a cliche rom-com" is technically correct but woefully insufficient to describe how fantastic it is. It has every romantic comedy trope from Japanese manga, but polished to a brilliant shine and implemented with perfect timing. Nisekoi

Congrats! May we dub him Nano Bash? You realize that, if you keep this up, eventually we are going to be treading into some pretty esoteric SI prefix territory.

This is the overworld, you're thinking of the Nether.

This comes right after the heavy-handed comparison of the Destiny pre-alpha to Titanfall. I get that Patricia is a huge Titanfall fangirl, but maybe try and be less obvious?

Wow that song is awful. If Avril Lavigne wants to ape Kyary Pamyu Pamyu's visual aesthetic, she could at least doing us the favor of copying the music, too.