Legend of the Galactic Heroes is a great rebuttal to the main thesis of this video.
Legend of the Galactic Heroes is a great rebuttal to the main thesis of this video.
Aladdin looks a lot cooler with the beard, I think. Less of a weenie.
AK-47s are decently accurate, but their looser tolerances (which make them more reliable) mean they are not going to fire the same tight groups that an AR-15 will at 100 yds. Part of the issue here is that most AKs are made from stamped steel instead of milled from billet aluminum or steel like ARs. However, milled…
The difference is that I enjoy AKs.
Technically, Islamophobia is not racism, it's just another type of militant antitheism.
I don't know. I'm vaguely familiar with the law, but not really with litigation history.
It's not a criminal law, so the gov't leaves it to civil suits for enforcement.
Actually it's illegal to issue what's known as a "bad faith" DMCA notice, where the copyright owner knows or should know that the use they are flagging falls under fair use exceptions. The problem is that the fines for doing so are so insignificant that only a class-action suit would do any damage.
Hence "potential." People don't buy fire extinguishers because they are convinced there is a conflagration hidden somewhere in their house. Both guns and fire extinguishers are precautions based on dangers that exist, and - taking into account their statistically likelihood and damage potential - are worth…
Then again, Kenshiro doesn't play games.
Sounds like that agency needs an additude adjustment.
Not sure what you are saying "nope" to, since I agreed with your proposal (insofar as its legitimacy vis-a-vis rights of weapon possession). If you are asking me to condone trespassing, then I'm afraid I cannot.
If you can afford it, that would be a great way to keep the IRS off your back.
Between the three men in my house, we probably own something like 20 guns. We own a gun store, though, so the number is always fluctuating, and of course if you include our retail stock the number goes way up.
Well, if you own the property, then feel free. Your rights don't manifest from your needs (and especially not from a subjective determination of your needs by a third party).
Right, so either way I'd prefer to have the gun.