Tzion: Kojima-san doesn't have to make Metal Gear any more.

What's the benediction of a voting base got to do with whether an action is right or wrong? I don't think the fact that Lincoln burned every major Southern city is somehow made better by the fact that he didn't execute every former slave owner. It should also be noted that the United States are the only Western

I think you're conflating the strength of a currency with its exchange rate. A currency could be the lowest against the dollar that it's ever been and still be incredibly weak, because the dollar is incredibly weak. We live in a world where governments have been intentionally weakening their currencies in a race to

Taking the ridiculous inflation of the dollar into account, xerox is right. A currency's strength is measured in purchasing power of goods more than of other currencies. According to the CPI calculator below, the 2011 Yen is only worth 17% of what it was in the 1956. The difference in melon prices since last year

I remember that. I got to tour it back in 2000 when it was at Johnson Space Center.

The dog is revealed to be the main antagonist.

The Sisters Arc of Railgun includes a fight with a Level 5 assassin that you might not want to miss. It doesn't rehash anything from Index, despite the overlap in events.

I live in NYC and would love to hang out with the Kotaku staff at some point. When will there be a Kotaku party so this can happen?

Romulan ale.

Fanservice is more than just sexy shots. It also applies to references to other popular works of art or cultural memes and to antics designed to please the audience. This includes live performance, such as musicians who may play a humorous tune in the middle of a concert or to athletes who blow kisses to the crowd.

Hydrophobia is a fear of water, albeit one brought on as a symptom of rabies. Aquaphobia is a fear of water in all other cases. Both of them seem pretty literal.

Sarcasm detected.

Not in Japan.

PhD's for everyone!

Protip: They also stole the Super Sentai look.

Oh staaaahhhhp.

Those buildings look pretty sweet, though they should try to put some nicer textures on them, maybe bake in the shadowing on the windows.

Eat the strongest!

Not sure why you're adding in the price of DLC to consoles. Last time I checked, both consoles and PCs had a plethora of overpriced extra content. I still prefer PC, but my PS3 has been a great investment.

Oh, so I guess you play as the villain.