Haha, I love how everyone feels the needs to sing the praises of a dead dictator. Hurray for Japanese internment camps, deficit spending, and provoking foreign nations!
Haha, I love how everyone feels the needs to sing the praises of a dead dictator. Hurray for Japanese internment camps, deficit spending, and provoking foreign nations!
While he may be a Republican, his ideology is at odds with Romney's and the current party platform, which is far more important than a superficial partisan identity.
Why would anyone feel guilty about enjoying such a wonderful game?
I live in a tiny studio apartment in the Upper East Side and I have a desktop and laptop on an office desk separate from my entertainment center with PS3 and 40" LCD. I have a compact couch and a queen bed, too. And still enough room left over for a dresser, hat rack, and bookcase.
Causality is the property of cause and effect. Everything has a direct cause, such as a man hitting a glass (cause) which causes it to fall from a table (effect). There are also numerous indirect causes which create the preconditions necessary for a cause to result in a specific effect, such as building the table or…
Believe it or not, the idea that criminals are responsible for their crimes was not invented by Ayn Rand. In fact, I don't think any human can take responsibility for developing causality.
Can we all please agree that the Copenhagen Interpretation is balls?
Not sure if this would be the best or worst scenario.
As the son of a gun store owner, I am all for gun ads.
The character, nonetheless, is a mulatto by her generation's terminology.
The character is a mulatto, so a black voice actress would be just as bad as a white one.
Hey, I'm from Southern Mississippi, too. I lived in Poplarville from 2003-2006, and we didn't even have dial-up on my street. The phone lines were too old to handle the load. First time I used "high-speed" internet was 2006, when my family moved to Picayune. And even that had week long outages quite frequently,…
Nationalism is not a problem. Militantism is, whatever the cause. Remember, the Olympics are also a nationalistic affair. Of course, there is another discussion to be had over whether civic nationalism or ethnic nationalism is preferable, but neither one is inherently harmful or indicative of violent attitude.
Tech innovation just builds on itself like that. We've adopted a new standard in mobile communications every five years or so for the past two decades.
Mount and Blade would be hilarious on a touchscreen.
So is Edvard Grieg cool again?
That's a passion fruit, not a pepper.
Is that some HanaKana I hear? I'll take two.
Fortunately US laws are still not as bad as Australian ones (though they're trying!).
In the future, any unfamiliar piece of electronics will immediately be considered ammunition.