Tzion: Kojima-san doesn't have to make Metal Gear any more.


You're basing the distinction on the content being taught, which has nothing to do with the validity of the method itself. Moreover, material fact and spiritual fact are both based on key assumptions about the universe that we can only accept in good faith. I'm not saying there is no such thing as an incorrect

Unless you accept the Book of Enoch, which chronicles his transition from cynical servant to resentful (failed) usurper. But really the monster imagery comes mostly from the Book of Revelation, which, although explicitly a prophetic vision, has been taken as a literal portrayal of Satan as a monstruous beast.

And yet we continue to praise the Socratic method for doing just that. Guided discovery is a valid form of education, I think. Most other teaching methods can be just as indoctrinating.

But video games rot your brain!

Whoo! Citadel of Chastity!

Good question, I don't know.

They should have at least had her wear the Masou Shoujo costume from Kore wa Zombie Desu Ka. I know it's included on Lollipop Chainsaw.

Yeah, I put the settings back on about the medium area (only slightly unfair damage modifiers and such). I do admit, though, that I turn off the fog on the overworld. I don't always have time to spend an hour IRL looking for some stupid baron.

It's not misleading if you know what it is. To me it just seems like going to Chuck E. Cheese's and having to earn tickets in games of chance before using those tickets to play another game of chance for a prize.

I like to imagine that Otonashi is always hiding inside something, like a desk or garbage can, and just pops her head out when she senses that P-san needs help.

I honestly don't understand why this should be regulated any more than baseball cards should be regulated (which they shouldn't). Collections formed by purchasing random sets have been considered legitimate for the past century, basically. We move the model online and suddenly it becomes (more) exploitative? Sounds

The soft, fuzzy, warm rights of men.

These are pre-Photoshop.

Love Prophecies of Pendor. Really makes the game complete.

Maybe she liked to dress like a trucker and beat him.

It's just a repost from TechSpot. Kotaku doesn't do a lot of PC benchmarking.

Protip: IT'S MAGIC.

Sounds like "dong guard". Maybe we'll finally get codpieces.

I've never fallen asleep while doing something, even reading or watching a movie. Then again, I have trouble falling asleep while laying in bed with the lights off, so I'm probably a bad example.