Tzion: Kojima-san doesn't have to make Metal Gear any more.

Have you read any of his books? He is very knowledgeable on economics. Seriously, until you understand the flaws with the neo-classical view of marginal utility, you should be reading instead of making random accusations. Well, it's possible that you will reject critiques of neo-classical models, but you should

Yep, those are from the newsletters. Ron Paul has said he thinks marriage is not a federal issue, even though he personally does not approve of homosexuality.

Either you were being sarcastic, in which case my comment accurately addressed the fallacy of your claim, or your were being authentic, in which case you admire Ron Paul's movement. Stop pretending you're some authority on libertarianism and go read a book.

You're implying that being against abortion is being against women. Libertarians for life are pro-women's rights too, though as a part of a general attitude promoting human rights. That includes all humans, no matter what stage of physiological development. There is a fundamental question of when natural rights are

What if they also built a suit that let people curl into perfect spheres and built tubes for those? Would it be enough to take out the Mother Brain?

Good job, you've just implied that a majority can never willingly aid a minority! The 13th, 14th, 15th, and 19th Amendments never happened!

Very little of Ron Paul's net worth is in liquid assets, just so you know. I'm guessing you're a Neoclassical or Keynesian, so I won't bother arguing reason with you on currency production.

Not all libertarians are pro-abortion. This is one of the major issues within the philosophy.

Some people don't understand that shrinking government means limiting the authority of Washington and returning power to the States, which can then be subsequently reduced by their citizens. That obviously means nullifying Roe v Wade and preventing any sort of national definition of marriage. Heck, Paul doesn't


Wait, did Dorami ALSO have her ears chewed off by mice?

They've already surpassed millennia of Dalek innovation. We need a Doctor.

Have they released an MMD compatible Tupac model?

Sometimes a lightsaber is just a lightsaber.

An egg isn't a human. As they say, it takes two to tango. An egg is alive though, in the same way your skin and heart cells are alive, but like them, it contains the genetic data of only one parent.

Birth doesn't change us genetically. If we are part of our mother in the womb, we are part of her outside the womb. It is fact, not opinion, that a human is the same organism before and after birth, from fertilization to death.

We don't prevent or deter murder, slavery, or theft today. All those things happen in huge numbers in shadows of society. The choice is whether or not we should endorse violence, not whether we can actually stop it. I don't understand the confusion about human life. Human means a member of the species Homo

We should do the same for murder, slavery, and theft committed against infant, adolescent, and adult humans, too, then. Human rights are either for all humans or none.

I would say that the Supreme Court deciding that fetal humans are not people and can be killed at the discretion of their families is similar to it deciding that black humans are not people and can be enslaved at the discretion of their neighbors. A government that endorses violence is as bad as one that commits it,

I dunno, here in the US we regularly suck unborn children out of their mothers and use their livers to test food additives for toxins. And the number of abortion victims since 1973 (Roe v Wade) in the US alone outnumbers all the casualties of WWII. I know some people don't consider fetal humans to be people, but for