
Good selection, but the lack of Breath of Fire is sad.

Breath of Fire 2, Disgaea, and/or Legend of Mana. Yes...that should do for now.

A bit sweeping, but at least true in that all the games after SOTN were very similar. That said, that isn't an outright BAD thing either. Hell, I even had fun with Harmony of Despair when my friends and I would get on and run things together. Admittedly, an actual full game balanced around team play would have been

Voodoo Pirate and Spirit Drummer please and thank you.

Oh my gourd! Those are some nice pumpkins.

I agree the meta can be annoying, but at the end of the day it is a user created problem for the most part. Sure, the simplicity of the game does allow it to exist, but the bulk of it is the fact that that is how most people want it more than anything.

See, I didn't put up anything as rare as that. I threw up a goomy and got a scatterbug. I hadn't caught one so I suppose it works out but...still...might throw up a pumpkaboo later.

I do believe he said GAME not pokedex =p

You lack fortitude rascal. You must buckle down to get through these difficult times. I suggest ample servings of sardines. They are rich in everything you will need to become a powerful demon.

Mine came on Saturday. I got home from Disneyland to find it waiting for me. It was a great day!

I just always get the feeling that it feels like they want to make movies....but for whatever reason do a game instead. They are entertaining and I know there are people who love them, but it just feels like this odd proportion of "game" and "movie" that isn't exactly right to me.

Oh I agree. Thanks shouldn't be given for just doing the bare minimum. That wasn't exactly what I meant. More what I meant is say a Sona lands an important Crescendo that opens up the entire opposing team and your team sweeps in and wins the team fight, more often than not all the praise will go to the ADC or whoever

Hmm, I dunno. I see your points, but I semi disagree that it is the best starting position. Supports have to worry about a LOT to do their job effectively and a new player just won't know that. Additionally, they would more than likely try to kill creeps. All of that combined would often get them yelled at by

As a support main, I can tell you that you RARELY get thanked in League. You just kinda make peace with it though.

So, I just ran through the demo. I can see why a number of people wouldn't enjoy the game. I thought it was fun, once I got the hang of it, but the "get the hang of it" is the catching point. The tutorial, while present, didn't really do its job as well as it could have. It ends up making the experience feel like a

I had the same experience with this stage. That one section with the spinning puzzle felt very...clunky. Add on that if you did die you got sent back a ways and it made me just want to skip that room.

I have to agree. Usually BEFORE I see a commercial or such for a game, I already know if I plan on buying it or not. It really is just one area where titles could cut back some costs. Games are getting to obese with their budgets to support themselves without unreasonable sales to back them.

This whole comments section makes me wish Disgaea would get a fighting game spin off. Think of all the over the top finishers it could have!

I have to disagree to an extent. I main support and find it to be the most fun role. In a lot of scenario's, a support makes or breaks plays. The amount of impact they have is higher than most give them credit just because they DON'T have the flashy numbers. Fun role, but doesn't get the credit it deserves most of the

I find it interesting he mentions Lulu as tsundere, but leaves out a character that is called tsundere in the game he appears in! How dare he ignore poor Fenrich!