In return the fathers of the unwanted pregnancies have to pay all care and childbirth costs and then take in the unwanted kids when born.
In return the fathers of the unwanted pregnancies have to pay all care and childbirth costs and then take in the unwanted kids when born.
Take yourself to Mark’s Duck House in Falls Church and make a reservation! My dude’s parents lived in Japan for a while and would go to Hong Kong on the weekends and they say that Mark’s Duck House is very authentic soon as I read China Garden I immediately remembered a few super fun times there. I loved that place.
I’m not from Pittsburgh but I go there a few times a year because one of my really good pal’s is from there. My friend took me to a party and it was like, girls with burgundy/blonde chunks in their hair, mullets, Steelers jerseys, Steelers memorabilia all over the wood paneled walls. A kitchen full of Pittsburgh food…
Is this an Appalachia thing or just a small town thing? The fashion in my mother’s hometown in the region where WV/VA/TN/KY all meet sounds frighteningly similar to your description.
I saw one at the yinzer-est yinzer party in Pittsburgh a few months ago.
C’mon, girl, I’m a die-hard Marylander and even I know it’s ROSSLYN!
I love this entire interaction. That woman is not👏🏽here👏🏽for👏🏽it. I can’t say I’d react any differently if I didn’t already know who he was. Some random runs up to me in the street with a mic, he’s getting a mean mug and silence at minimum and a punch in the throat at max.
it should me mrs. and mr. serena williams now that you mention it
I had mentioned this somewhere about, and actually looked into the history of this. It’s a little convoluted, but interesting. According to
Yeah, I wonder if it is like a lot of game meat in that treatment really affects it. I know some people that complain about game meat being “so gross and gamey”, but that is because they’ve only had deer their Uncle Bubba shot. And that is because he shot his deer in the morning, then drove around with it in the back…
I’m really tired of the “both sides” rhetoric as well. So often, GOP starts something silly, then DNC stands up and says “no” and then GOP goes “see, they’re not willing to work with us” and “they’re trying to change our way of life!” (that we’ve had for 6 minutes now!). It’s ridiculous.
Lawmakers on both sides of the issue placed blame on the other.
One of my students gave us some elk tenderloin for Christmas. My husband said that it was some of the best meat he’s ever eaten. He said it was probably due to it being Roosevelt elk instead of Rocky Mountain.
I am here to remind you that they are also pretty tasty. Little gamey and go good with a solid Ale.
I love this comment. And I am obsessed with this Scientology bullshit. I am SO waiting for it to collapse on itself and Tom Cruise having to atone for it. I cannot wait.
I appreciate how good this is. More stars.
You know, because Hillary totally didn’t have a multi-pronged and detailed jobs and infrastructure program as a central part of her platform or anything