
White women didn’t help either:

Oh, and where is Saint Bernie in all this? Still sucking the dick of the precious white male vote I guess.

I’m seeing some criticism of the fight part of the message. It’s a list of priorities. Run if you can, hide if you can’t, and fight if you’re found. The truth is that if an active shooter finds you and you don’t fight you’ll die anyway. It doesn’t mean to proactively go out and play Yosemite Sam trying to hunt down

As someone who has read her book it’s more like years of indoctrination and damaging emotional abuse that started when she was a teen. So try again.

In 2011, Kristin Davis adopted Gemma Rose Davis. In 2016, Davis realized that her whiteness only protects her and not her daughter. Great.

Was Gigi Hadid’s Melania Trump impression “racist”?

The DNC won’t clean house so yeah probably eight

Trump’s idea of “doing well” means taking rights away from a lot of people. So no, I don’t hope he does well.

Tubal ligation gift certificate?

In addition to harassing this doctor, Marsha and her gang of Skooby Doo wannabes have harassed and intimidated researchers performing legal, potentially life-saving research using fetal tissue. Eugene Gu is one of them. They sent a goon squad into his home without a warrant to “look for evidence”, and the negative

Or you could ask the more pressing and obvious question of ‘how do influence the market to build more affordable housing instead of four bedroom, 2 1/2 bath suburban monstrosities that no one can afford but landlords who buy them and then charge exorbitant rents?’...

OK, guys. Let’s face it. In the video of the speech, she looks sad, tired, not made-up, defeated, done.

Yeah, I haven’t my period in 2 years and don’t have any side effects. In fact, many years ago, I went off all hormonal birth control and it was just awful. Crying. Tender breasts. Periods. It’s all gone away. I don’t love the idea of paying $50 a month for birth control (obviously), but I can afford it and they just

Newsflash: no one cares/pays attention to policy that necessitates the use of a drafting table and a fucking T-square to figure out.

This. And this extends to feminism, too. People who don’t have to deal with discrimination don’t think about what discrimination means and so they don’t understand words like heteronormative or gender bias, and when you call them sexist or homophobic, they’ll usually get recalcitrant. Instead of pushing someone away,

We definitely need to reassess how we respond to dissenting voices. There’s a huge difference between a person deliberately using slurs and/or dog whistles, and a person who means well but just hasn’t learned (yet). People who are already openly bigoted are lost causes, IMHO, and not worth the effort. But there are a

We HAVE to fight each other. The status quo did not work. Why?

Thank God this change happened. I’m more than elated Trump got elected, by white, brown, and black men and women. Hopefully we can return to a civil society where rule of law and self sufficiency are the order of the day.

It’s so gross. They’re so gross. God I hate parents.

“Four years from now, the labor movement will either be resurgent with the energy and power of thousands of newly organized members; or it will be a depleted shell, left behind as people searching for answers look elsewhere.”