You’re probably wondering what’s taking Valve, a company with nigh-infinite resources, forever to make Half-Life 2: E…
You’re probably wondering what’s taking Valve, a company with nigh-infinite resources, forever to make Half-Life 2: E…
What!?! I loved Spirits Within, it was awesome, saw it twice in theatre!
“Titanfall 2 is getting minor tweaks after fans suggest improvements”
This is extremely endearing and I love it.
The article is merely going by what the team is saying. The team can say whatever the hell they want, it doesn’t necessarily make it true. And of course, it doesn’t mean they’re not right either, but a grain of salt should be kept close by.
being hand-made doesnt mean it still wont get taken down. the WAY its being made is legal, sure, but if one company started using mario simply because they drew their own pictures of him, theyde still get hit with copyright. its the similarities between the actual game and the fan game that will get it taken down, not…
That’s a lot of devotion to a fad that came and went.
Game trailers tend to be forgettable things. Explosive diversions paving the way for a marketing campaign that hits…
This is not her native language, she’s not used to public speaking, and it was broadcast internationally. Give her a break.
Last week, a Pokémon Go player found a dead body in Wyoming. Today, the same thing has happened in New Hampshire.
U.S. Marines Seth Ortega and Javier Soch were playing Pokémon Go at a park in Fullerton, California when the game…
Really cause it looks like every other korean made MMO.
1 million stars
it’s like the Council of Nerd-caea, amiright?!
I’ve played many of the assassin’s creed games and enjoyed them. But as a Christian I’ve always been a little disappointed Christian faith has usually been equated with being evil, manipulative, or controlling. A little too much “Dan Brown” if you ask me.
WAIT. Max has access to Nathan’s phone, too, AND Max is attending Blackwell, too. Clearly MAX is Nathan Prescott’s father!
I still think that random homeless woman Max warns about her visions in Episode 3 is Rachael or Max from the future.
I saw it coming, though I still wonder why. It’s not clear to me yet.
I can’t believe how many people NEVER suspected Mr. Jefferson. Like, I’m shocked at so many people being surprised. They gave us soooooo many hints.