Clearly I suck at this game because I hate the Mangler
Clearly I suck at this game because I hate the Mangler
I haven’t read pretty much any of your work, I suspect I may disagree with some of it. However, people should be able to disagree and still treat each other respectfully as decent human beings. Look past haters, don’t see people who disagree as all mysoginist fools due to all the crap that comes your way, and keep on…
I was going to say what is this guy talking about, they're essentially making it right now
This sounds great! BF3 was the pinnacle for me, so glad to hear these words!
You realize you’re doing the same thing, right? Treating people differently based on their skin colour is not so different from assuming everyone that goes to a church is an ignorant, racist, nazi.
No, just asking you not to waste our time arguing over semantics when the intent of my message was clear and the Judeo-Christian Bible clearly refers to God as simply “God” the majority of the time in the widely understood English versions.
Don’t be an idiot.
God’s name really wasn’t required for the effect of the article title. You sound like a child trying to scream profanities to sound “mature.”
I request this Kotaku column be discontinued.
We ask way to much from video games. It’s a game, not a frigging new life. If you play any game every day for a month you should have likely covered everything enough to not have any surprises anymore. I get being addicted to a game or online game because of the gameplay but it’s still just a game. We pay 60-80 plus…
What!?! I loved Spirits Within, it was awesome, saw it twice in theatre!
“Titanfall 2 is getting minor tweaks after fans suggest improvements”
These are dumb.
The size of the book is in mb... How did you not realize it was a download?
I never got past the first game because of this.
That was obviously implied.
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