Also, should the Clone Wars really be on here? Are they expanded universe since they're considered canon now with Disney's announcement?
Also, should the Clone Wars really be on here? Are they expanded universe since they're considered canon now with Disney's announcement?
Wasn't the second KOTOR not from Bioware, not that many noticed?
It may not succeed for gaming but the rift will succeed regardless. It has Facebook behind it and it's already being developed by militaries for tanks, etc.
But... Luigi is blue...
All you need to do is look in the comments to see why it's still an issue in 2014, lots of people still disagree with it.
Except your not really allowed to speak your mind if you disagree with it or you could lose your job. Ask former Mozilla CEO of like 5 days.
Surprise! Lots of people still don't agree with it and yes it's still a controversial subject just because more people support it than 10 years ago.
Alright, this is ridiculous.
He was referring to the acceptance of homosexuality part.
Pretty sure it's almost always the other way around.
Considering it's not even briefly touched on in the article I don't think anyone does. If what you're saying is true it should have been the focal point of the article so it had some merit.
It's interesting that people constantly say stuff like this, "it's 2014" we're so advanced, we should be past anyone disagreeing with homosexuality just because more people in the world are okay with it now than in awhile or ever. Prevalent homosexuality in cultures has come and gone throughout history. It would be…
The best part is the ridiculous interpretive dancing, while the one just throws the other on the ground two feet away, lol
I don't understand any of the comments on this article.
If anyone hasn't seen it yet and is thinking of The Sarah Conner Chronicles get it, it's incredible. Better than all the movies even.
Sterling is a racist idiot it would appear, but what happened to free speech. When in another 5 years many of my beliefs as a Christian are hated enough will I lose my job and be banned from certain events and places, not to mention my ownership of shares be forcedly removed from me?
They don't deserve a treehouse like that. Wasting their time with alcohol and parties? They're not hardcore gamers.
Get a room you two.
Get a room you two.