
I agree. All they need is constant police presence or weapons scanners to have a story reason why you would avoid guns entirely or perhaps cooler have only a small concealable pistol with one clip. Why one clip? So that you can throw away your gun with ease if necessary to get past a police check point and not have a

It doesn't matter anymore, what it represents more is far more important.


Overall I applaud the effort but go a step further if you're going to bother, dialogue, less staring at a tunnel entrance, not shooting immediately after the train appears, less clumsy fighting fit the final cut, the car chase to start?

You can stop making your list. Just go to co-optimus.com for all things related to playing games "with" others.

Starfox should have been dressed as a zero pilot rather than a samurai.

To anyone who says it is presently fixed:

Right, things don't change never will, don't bother, don't try... Blah blah. You're a real innovator.

Hahaha, I read the title of the game as a Canadian would have pronounced it "Galak-zed." Took me a minute to figure out why they'd call it something like that instead of "Galak-C."

The gnome has 550% more polygons.

550% in the case of the gnome.

Can you get the 6-year-old to not play the game is my question?

Why in the frig is prequel Anakin's figure shown in this article?

Wait, I'm still not sure, you're joking right? You're being sarcastic right?

Ahem... Excuse me, but it's pronounced "Brokenfield."

Are you sure you're talking about BioShock...

You are offended. Really? Offended?

Extra demoralising when you don't make it to the dropship though. Especially when you're trying to run up a wall to get to it, you get stuck on a dumpster and then you're shot in the back...

I love walking into a room full of enemy NPCs and one is pulling a wounded comrade away from a door before I smart pistol all of them.

And my point was that you are again simply pointing out something worse. I would argue that both the top and last images are not acceptable for public consumption.