
Put Spoiler in front of that, lol, my friend hadn't beaten 3 yet!

Which, you know... would be a video game.

Read the Gears books by Karen Traviss, it'll change your world. I always liked the games but didn't think there was enough to the characters. The books really help with that.

A little behind the times saying PC gaming is dead. Maybe 5 years ago, steam has clearly revitalised that industry.

A little behind the times saying PC gaming is dead. Maybe 5 years ago, steam has clearly revitalised that industry.

What temperatures are you considering cold?

... Really ... ? I have an Xbox One, but I came to this article quite intent on just figuring out in what way exactly I'd have less of an experience in the future games I'll be getting. I was entirely convinced that the PS4 would in fact look better...

Speaking of data caps, I'm at 75gb/mo. I got BF4 for Xbox One, I downloaded it and then later with a bluray disc found I had the disc drive problem. I returned and exchanged my Xbox One and then redownloaded BF4, then a BF4 update deleted the entire game off my system and I had to download the game again a third time.

I remember BF3 having over 30Gb's of my 360 HDD taken up. There was a 3GB patch right before each additional 3GB DLC. I don't remember anyone but my friends and I complaining then.

BF3 was over 30GB's on my 360 after patches and DLC.

I agree and I said they should report on this, but not by showing footage that was illegally recorded. There is a difference between showing respect to a company's intent with an alpha and NDA's (what I formerly called solidarity) and being in their pocket serving them. Your drawing things black and white which won't

She mentions going through a divorce and he responds offering himself to her ... Tasteless no matter what their personal relationship.

I'm aware, hence my illustration. It's footage illegally distributed though it is not illegal to show it since it was illegally recorded by someone else. My point was they could have posted an article about the leak without showing the video itself if they were trying to show integrity and solidarity with the industry

True but posting an article about it and including a link to the illegal footage is another thing entirely. It would be like a regular news agency reporting that someone made a video of something like a murder but then included the video of it in the article rather than just reporting that there was a video.

There is a NDA, but you think it's likely they'll sue and not just request footage be taken down?

Maybe to the AI but everything else will improve. I won't say more, NDA.

Hitlist, ha.

They just put out a second round of major patches, I've had it from day one and it's been pretty broken. I believe there are class-action lawsuits pending.

Shhhhh.... NDA.

Has anyone made the connection between him picking up Call of Duty Ghosts and committing armed robbery yet?