I just had to come post after seeing the opening image.
I just had to come post after seeing the opening image.
I’m starting to wonder if these comments are all being produced by a machine. They sound identical. And the code clearly doesn’t allow for paragraph breaks...
Hard returns & paragraph breaks are NOT hot at all. They are some real crazy bitches.
At what level (and at what cost) does the Superstar Machine bestow the arcane knowledge of paragraph breaks? Because the SSM posters in these comments are posting some completely-unreadable walls of texts up in here.
Also: “Hot School teaches women how to be damn hot. Like, really smokin hot, to men.” You say that like…
Yeah you take the word cult back girl. Own it and keep on keepin on with the butt sex too.
The comments from current members are a great testament to the accuracy and fairness of your article. Those are exactly the kind of comments I would have expected current members to write. I actually thought at first they were parodies.
I’ve read your entire comment, and the only thing I got out of it is that Superstar Machine is even more sexist than the article depicted. Thanks for the insight!
This is some Grade A “crazed high school queen bee” rambling.
This feels like all the stories we’ve read about how Scientology is run. It’s fricken creepy, because both are filled with people who are in creative careers, like entertainment and personal support activities. It’s like he’s taking a leaf from how David Miscavige has evolved that cult.
Hi Princess Superstar! I’m sorry you chose not to respond to my email requesting comment but happy to see you here!
Thanks for your comment, Hannah! I am bummed International didn’t bother to respond to my many entreaties to talk but I’m finding and approving all the comments down here by current SSM members.
I’m not trying to pull a so-edgy “religion is a cult!” thing here, but I was raised in an evangelical environment (kind of like the Duggars) and this:
Back in the very early 90s when I was an aspiring actress, I joined this group called the Actors Information Project which looked like something that would help kickstart my career and on the surface, it kind of did. But it didn’t take long to scratch beneath what seemed like a legit career coaching organization, to…
I went to Catholics school too and I have a similar reaction when I hear about culty things like this... like how do people not know???
It sounds like a club formed by middle school girls.
I'd give you a hug, but it really hurts when my head smacks into the mirror like that.
The Harvard bit is hilarious. Do you know how many mediocre white men from money have “gone to” Harvard? What the fuck kind of distinction is that?
How someone even hears the phrase “International Hot School” and doesn’t collapse on the floor laughing is beyond me. Dude can’t even name things right.
Am I supposed to be outraged by this or something? Seems like typical grass-roots shit to me. I much prefer this over the shrill responses you get from people when you say you’re not interested in another Clinton being in office “OMG! WHY YOU HATES WOMENS?!?!”
I was going to vote for Bernie already, but if Susan Sarandon or any other hotties want to send me cleavage pics, that’s ok, too.