
No one else concerned they’re calling them “agents”?

I really liked the DD stuff because it wasn’t all technique, technique, spin, parry, dodge, thrust. There was some actual violent intent in those fight scenes (hallway fight). It was light on the pretty.

This is not how you boost pre-orders.

Ugh... when that tiny bit of (freudian?) dyslexia kicks in and you read the line as:

Ugh... when that tiny bit of (freudian?) dyslexia kicks in and you read the line as:

“Whiney, emo kid” you say?

Sorry, no. Despite the bullshit business practices, she would make jumping into a pile of money with a coat and no pants a lot more attractive than good ol’ Scrooge.

Maybe not a map, but what if you set it up in your bedroom, then when you’re lost in your kitchen you can activate it by phone to start a game of Marco Polo. You call in a vaporous slur “Mah-hic-Mahhko” and the unit replies “Polo”?

There’s too many M___ F____ snakes on this M____ F____ interstellar spacecraft!! ... no, just kidding. Really. I am aware.

Maybe to hold an elephant sized stack of cargo that weighs significantly less than an elephant?

Only difference I see is that this guy never lets the arm go to full extension. Even on the hands free jogging, its still curled in to the operator. The arm didn’t fail until it was (nearly) completely straight. I’m going to put money on their being an instruction somewhere to not do that.

Bad Kinja. Bad!

Bad Kinja. Bad!

This doesn’t bother me nearly as much as when they have 8 to 1 odds and its just, “OK, Frank you go get him. Damn, Frank’s dead. Joey, you’re up. That’s it Joey you can... Who’s next? Bueller? ... Bueller?” Crap, now I’m down a rabbit hole with Yoda’s version of “Danke Schoen”

I think I burned out on all the early hype (circa 1997?) and the newer clips that were coming out juts felt too Destiny-like. I never did take to Destiny. This open beta is going to win or lose my money I think. But tell me, is this different enough from Destiny to give it a shot, or has the limited beta(s) up to now

Finally some screens from the new Neuromancer movie!?

Is it just me, or is Amazon doing a crapload of price switching lately. This article posted at 9:30, at 10:30 I go to the page and see it once for the $31, click away and back and now it’s $43 ... WTH?!?

Is it just me, or is Amazon doing a crapload of price switching lately. This article posted at 9:30, at 10:30 I go

Love the game, just don’t get a lot of playtime in, but the thing I hvae been enjoying most about all the recent coverage is that this game, as opposed to all the oyther MMO, has the most “Ready Player One” feel to it (take the time to read the book if you haven’t). Waiting to hear one day someone found a secret and

No idea about the other but we have two of the Mini Booms and love ‘em. With a free app, one device can drive both speakers as either two mono (for different rooms or such) or the pair as a set of stereo speakers, wihch is really nice in a smaller room when you can spread them out a bit. And at this sale price they’re

No idea about the other but we have two of the Mini Booms and love ‘em. With a free app, one device can drive both

I just recently got the Nighthawk and it was well worth it (for me) at the $160 it wound up costing me, with a little price matching work. I actually thought this would le tme match it down again until I saw it was a refurb. Anyhow, in our split foyer the router is upstairs on one side and towards the back. With an

I just recently got the Nighthawk and it was well worth it (for me) at the $160 it wound up costing me, with a

Here’s one we tried about a year ago. We tried.. we lost..

America got there first. Winners (in this case, of the “space race”) can afford to be gracious.But do you think that when travel to and from the moon is no more than a trans-Atlantic flight, and something of significant worth (let’s just say “space oil”) is discovered, that America would not press its claim to mineral