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Not sure if "not easily" means finding a VCR or just getting a laptop to the table, but just in case, a lot of those old VCR games can be found on YouTube now.

Or... forgive me. Please, please forgive me... the Wii-Ning.

Screw that! Got my safety suit. A few months in this here bomb shelter and I'm ready for some popcorn!

Simply because I'm a Bioware fan of old, this gets a pass for a first look and I'll look forward to some more info, otherwise I agree with all the L4D Skyrim Edition sentiment so far.

Hopefully this means more Disney "old timers" on the way. My wife and daughter are dead set we need Little Mermaid and Snow White sets.

The Toy Box and the builder was actually the initial draw for me, but I've grown tired of collecting "spins"... I didn't realize I'd have to grind the game to get the content. Yet I still can't quite walk away.

To contact the author of this post, write to fahey@kotaku.com or find him on Twitter @bunnyspatial.

That... What... But... oh, that's bad. Funny, but bad. No, just bad. But kinda funny. Not really.

Or, you know, buy a paintball gun and actually... go outside. Sunshine and all.

They were so close to a release date!

It's not a wobble, it's a feature! Obviously it is dynamically adjusting to the warped table it has been so haphazardly placed upon.

Originally referred to as the "No Nude Ferrigno" Law, today it's more commonly called the Big Green Junk Directive within game development and comic circles, in that never, ever shall there be.

I'm afraid, due to internet law, the progression is not allowed to stop there.

Whew... for a minute there I thought they were taking themselves a little too seriously.