Target? Sweet. I'll totally snag one on clearance for $10 a month after release.
I wish I got paid to be a nerd, I mean, I'm already doing it for free.
or Grave of the Fireflies.
Can't wait. I've loved every Killzone to date. I love my Vita. I even loved Resistance Burning Skies. There's no way I won't like this game.
I agree with all of this, it only took Spoony's Lets Play to make me see it. Before that I held this game almost as high as FF7.
I completely agree. Everybody loved Final Fantasy Tactics even though there was really no world map, towns, or exploration. Play it for what it is and enjoy what it does right. I for one was grateful that with my limited game time I was never expected to figure out what to do next. I could simply kick ass and enjoy a…
I changed my mind, this will be great. It will be a gateway for all those who will eventually want to play the original fucked up experience. Too bad it won't be in the options menu. That's my main complaint. I'm especially baffled that there is no difficulty option either.
Play this, you'll love it, and if you really want to see how bat shit insane it can get, play the original. Falling in love with Twin Peaks only weeks before playing Deadly Premonition is probably 100% of the reason I liked it so much.
I feel that every aspect of the game compliments the experience as a whole. Something no other game in earth has done for me. EVERYTHING in this game, dialog, graphics, gameplay, combat, maps, cars, driving, story, etc all benefitted the game. Without flaws. Changing that, to me, changes the experience. I will buy…
I feel the changes made do change the game, much like something as simple as Han shooting first defined and was congruent with his badass nature compared to returning fire when greedo shot first.
Until now Deadly Premonition was not available on the PS3 outside if Japan. Even though I do have the 360 game as well I really wanted a fully localized version on my PS3 . The one I have is imported and titled Red Seeds Profile, the title of the game outside north America. I'm saying that they haven't offered "black"…
That worked so well for Star Wars. Sure let's do that.
Accept outside of my import entitled Red Seeds Profile, they have yet to offer it on my PS3.
If you're looking for a modern, user friendly experience, you won't find it here, and no amount of polish will deliver that. That's like watching a movie directed by David Lynch for it's cohesiveness and asking why he can't just make more movies like J.J. Abrams.
Exactly, you and I must be genius' because far too many people did not grasp this concept.
"The controls have been overhauled to make the game play much better. I didn't have a chance to try them out, but from what I saw, you can now assign the buttons however you like, and the camera is, as far as I could tell, permanently fixed to the right thumbstick. No more insane stairwell-navigation or combat…
Video games often frustrate me, especially violently aggressive games such as Shinobi PS2, Ninja Gaiden, and the God of War series. I have the determination of a bull. When I encounter a "wall" in these games I will bash my head against it until I clear it. When I do clear it the satisfaction I get when I rip off…
Great advice, pure genius, thank you. I'm that kind of person. There are things I simply won't sell in classifieds cause I know I'll never get what they are worth to me and if someone were to explain how badly they wanted it I might consider parting with it at a discount knowing they would appreciate it as much as I…
Love it