

Anyone else notice the Dante & Deadpool neon sign in the background of their scene?

It's like Space Invaders and Rez had a child together...

@Kyran: oh god I should not be laughing at that.

Here's my submission. You don't see enough Objections in these competitions. :)

Hey look! It's me!

The more I look... the more I dislike.

Here's my submission, a bit of a blast from the past. Hope you enjoy!

Weird, I started watching Mad Men this week too. Anyone else into it?

Oh man, I've been playing Picross 3D for weeks in Europe, you guys are in for a treat.

Question: What would be your perfect news day on Gawker Media?

@kathartik: I live in the UK but have never felt British and want to move to Canada. Wanna swap?

Phoenix Wright, brought over from the ideas from Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom? PLEEEEASE?

X-2 came before I? That is SO wrong.

@KiwiMan: I... I think I love you...

@bmart008: I've had Gitaroo Man recommended a couple of times, so I'll check that out. :) The only reason AC:Bloodlines is on there is because I own the first and second games and heard its a good story bridge.

Here's your chance to influence me with your opinion. :) I've made a list of games from the last decade (with a couple of exceptions (Earthbound etc.) which I aim to complete. Can you recommend any I might have missed? There's probably some on there which I have already played and completed, but feel free to suggest

Is it just me who doesnt see this as a bad thing? Let's look at the facts