
I actually almost cried when I heard that Sega noise at the start. I have such happy memories of playing Sonic the Hedgehog 2 on the Mega Drive. Please, please please please please please please please please please please please don't screw this up. Sega fans deserve one good fanservice game, then you are very

JYG IS BACK! GFHYFGHJSHJKGK*happiness seizure*

@LukeMakesMePuke: Its because of the events today. I have to say, I love it, due to being obsessed with the series.


How did you manage to misspell Necromancer twice? :L I started to believe you for a minute there.

As a massive (and young) point-and-click fan, I was so excited to finally play Monkey Island, and I have to say I love this version and will be playing through both the updated and original editions. And Sam & Max Save the World too. :)

800 points? FREAKIN' AWESOME! I was expecting 1600!

Aww, I want to meet Starfy.

Do this, and release a PS3 slim and I will buy one.

@J4cK 0f He4rt5: Ignore me I just woke up. I thought the first numebr was days for some stupid reason.

What format are the numbers in?

Awesome, yet very obsessive. I await more Bureau of W&M articles eagerly.

Nononononono! MP is about the Noir NEW YORK CITY. That's where it's charm lies. I don't like where this is going.

@fanboyish: It's good to see a comment that doesnt say "iPhone will never be a viable handheld platform lolololol"

@Blah8: Don't really know much about it. What is it?

@Slagathorian: Having an actual daily plan will make me more likely to use it, and it does help with muscle building.