
@KamikazeSim: Layton IS big. Here in the UK, at least.


@Outi: I hope you are also lesbians and you try the motorcycle thing in the near future.

@ncsbert: Free DLC? They did it for the Naruto game.

I went like this:

@Jambi_Bum: I agree, and I didn't care much for the GoW3 demo.

@NeoStarr: I thought hardcore gamers were between teen and tween girls.

@TheIrishNinja: Oh my god that second comment is just pure win.

New Super Mario Bros. Wii? Oooh...

@J4cK 0f He4rt5: Golden Sun DS is a start, but my heart pines for sweet sweet Mother 3.

@TheHeeyyy: And I'll take back all I said about you not being able to beat Microsoft's presser.

Why bother releasing a sequel on a platform that didn't have the prequel? I just don't get it.

I was kinda excited about this game, now after seeing the trailer, it's a rental for me.

I have today off due to study leave! Hooray UK GCSE's!

100 KP - Hideo Kojima announces Metal Gear Solid 4 expansion, not Metal Gear Solid 5 (5:1)