
It's just not cricket.

That middle one looks like a Fallout 3 ghoul.

At least they didn't use the crappy redesign.

Dont look at me, I only bought GTA and Mario Kart!

Kotaku have done to prevent stupid posts besides banning everyone. Now if people would read and pay attention to this...

I say we torch the kid.

Indie: Braid, World of Goo, Cursor*10

I'm a pretty pretty princess!

Just so everyone knows, this video is of the iPod Classic version (you can see the mini click wheel in the top-left corner). The iPhone version is the same but only takes up half the screen, as the other half uses a virtual analog nub on the screen (same place as the click wheel on the Classic)

@Zero_: There's nothing wrong with TD games, Fieldrunners is selling very well on the iPhone.

I vote for

From the demo, I would say this is a no-buy. Tiny screen usage, bad controls (you have to use an analog nub to control the characters) and a very finicky grid on which to place your characters make this a bad app.

Cuke! It's Heaven in a Can!

My best time is 350 seconds.</p%Pr


Rolando for iPhone

Hey Woah! That's my Avatar! The one just up and to the left of Bspatial, with the black jacket. Woop! I added Mr. Fahey a while ago, and now it seems my Avatar can enjoy internet fame!