
There is no way this won't be shit. I bet this will be the "Super Mario Bros. Movie" of the future.

Imagine: Party Babies.

On Firefox 3, the title in-tab reads:

Can some Americans explain to me what is so bad about GameStop? For me, more game stores is better than less, but I prefer Gamestation for their preowned stuff.

Dear Q Entertainment,

I have an AceKard2 for my DS Lite, and it is a fantastic piece of kit. I would never have gotten to play Elite Beat Agents if not for the awesomeness of flashcards. And also Chrono Trigger months before its UK release. I find it funny how a flashcard and a Micro SD is cheaper than a single DS game.

Meh. I'll wait for next-gen Crysis push pin art, if I may.

I bought Rez HD the day it came out, I owned it on PS2 and loved it, I was mortified when my PS2 stopped playing blue discs. Damn secret area.

Suppose it makes sense, as the main character doesn't wear Recon, but ODST armour. Still sounds kinda silly though. But makes sense. But silly. But sensible.

So 16 is the same color as 18? Great fucking move.

Cool, but please change XBox 360 to Xbox 360. It's the small things that annoy me. :D

@Wahrheit: The police aren't telling you that he slipped on a banana.

The best gaming-related Photoshop Phriday on Something Awful is Thinking With Portals.

The best bit of this post is the word fapping.

@DaoKaioshin: Now that's an award I'd love to win! :D

@Cheezsama: That's one hell of a big dartboard.